
You can also find my full publication list on my Google Scholar profile.

IF updated 2023/10/23


59.Xie, Jie, Mingying Zhu, Kai Hu, Jinglan Zhang, and Ya Guo. “Investigation of attention mechanism for speech command recognition.” Multimedia Tools and Applications (2024): 1-16.

58.Zhang, Chengyun, Nengting Jin, Jie Xie, and Zezhou Hao. “CicadaNet: Deep learning based automatic cicada chorus filtering for improved long-term bird monitoring.” Ecological Indicators 158 (2024): 111423.

57.S Shi, K Hu, J Xie, Y Guo, H Wu. Robust scientific text classification using prompt tuning based on data augmentation with L2 regularization. Information Processing & Management 61 (1), 103531

56.K Hu, Q Li, J Xie, Y Pu, Y Guo. Using pre-trained models and graph convolution networks to find the causal relations among events in the Chinese financial text data. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 1-22

55.J Xie, M Zhu, K Hu. Fusion-based speech emotion classification using two-stage feature selection. Speech Communication 152, 102955.

54.Xie, J.; Zhu, M. Acoustic Classification of Bird Species Using an Early Fusion of Deep Features. Birds 2023, 4, 138-147. (Invited Paper)

53.肖治术, 崔建国, 王代平, 王志陶, 罗金红, 谢捷. (2023). 现代生物声学的学科发展趋势及中国机遇. 生物多样性, 31(1), 22423.

52.Xie, J., Zhu, M., Hu, K., & Zhang, J. (2023). Instance hardness and multivariate Gaussian distribution-based oversampling technique for imbalance classification. Pattern Analysis and Applications, 1-15 (CCF-C)

51.M Zhu, J Xie. Investigation of nearby monitoring station for hourly PM2. 5 forecasting using parallel multi-input 1D-CNN-biLSTM. Expert Systems with Applications 211, 118707 (IF: 8.665, 中科院1区)

50.J Xie, M Zhu, K Hu. Improved seabird image classification based on dual transfer learning framework and spatial pyramid pooling. Ecological Informatics 72, 101832 (IF: 4.498, 中科院3区)

49.Jie Xie, M Zhu. Sliding-window based scale-frequency map for bird sound classification using 2D-and 3D-CNN. Expert Systems with Applications (IF: 8.665, 中科院1区), 118054

48.An adaptive feature selection schema using improved technical indicators for predicting stock price movements, G Ji, J Yu, K Hu, Jie Xie, X Ji. Expert Systems with Applications (IF: 8.665, 中科院1区) 200, 116941

47.Frog calling activity detection using lightweight CNN with multi-view spectrogram: a case study on kroombit tinker frog, Jie Xie, M Zhu, K Hu, J Zhang, H Hines, Y Guo, Machine Learning with Applications 7, 100202

46.Xie J, Hu K, Zhu M. Improved Bird Sound Classification Based on Deep Cascade Feature.2022 IEEE 10th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN). IEEE, 2022: 401-405.

45.Ji, X., Cai, Z., Li, Q., Xie, J., & Hu, K. (2022, August). Improving Text Classification for Auditing Application Using Adversarial Training and Chinese Pretrained Model. In 2022 IEEE 10th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN) (pp. 619-624). IEEE.

44.Hierarchical Ensemble Based Imbalance Classification, Jie Xie, M Zhu, K Hu, International Conference on Computational Science (Core Ranking: A), 192-204

43.What are the economic concerns on environment? Mapping the research trends and frontiers on air pollution and health, Jie Xie, M Zhu, Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja (SSCI), 1-27

42.LBP-based bird sound classification using improved feature selection algorithm, X Ji, K Jiang, Jie Xie, International Journal of Speech Technology (EI) 24 (4), 1033-1045

41.On loss functions and CNNs for improved bioacoustic signal classification, Jie Xie, K Hu, Y Guo, Q Zhu, J Yu, Ecological Informatics (IF: 4.498, 中科院3区 ) 64, 101331

40.Bioacoustic signal denoising: a review, Jie Xie, JG Colonna, J Zhang, Artificial Intelligence Review (IF: 9.588, 中科院2区) 54 (5), 3575-3597

39.CNN-based driving maneuver classification using multi-sliding window fusion, Jie Xie, K Hu, G Li, Y Guo, Expert Systems with Applications (IF: 8.665, 中科院1区) 169, 114442

38.Bipartite Network of Interest (BNOI): Extending Co-Word Network with Interest of Researchers Using Sensor Data and Corresponding Applications as an Example Z Dai, K Hu, Jie Xie, S Shen, J Zheng, H Wu, Y Guo, Sensors 21 (5), 1668

37.Modeling Movement Behavior of Stock Price Using Neural Hawkes Model. Hu, K., Ji, X., Jie Xie., & Yu, J. (2021, November). In 2021 IEEE 9th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN) (pp. 436-439). IEEE.

36.Classical and Deep Learning Methods for Speech Command Recognition. Jie Xie, Qijing Li, Kai Hu, and Mingying Zhu. In 2021 IEEE 9th International Conference on Information, Communication and Networks (ICICN), pp. 41-45. IEEE, 2021.

35.基于直觉模糊集的集成学习算法, 戴宗明, 胡凯, 谢捷, 郭亚, 计算机科学 48 (6A), 270-274

34.基于多维神经网络深度特征融合的鸟鸣识别算法, 吉训生, 江昆, 谢捷, 信号处理

33.风机噪声环境下的鸡鸣自动识别, 谢捷, 江昆, 罗展, 胡凯, 吉训生, 畜禽业

32.Bioacoustic signal classification in continuous recordings: Syllable-segmentation vs sliding-window, Jie Xie, K Hu, M Zhu, Y Guo, Expert Systems with Applications 152, 113390

31.Data-driven analysis of global research trends in bioacoustics and ecoacoustics from 1991 to 2018, Jie Xie, K Hu, M Zhu, Y Guo, Ecological Informatics 57, 101068

30.Investigation of acoustic and visual features for frog call classification, Jie Xie, M Towsey, J Zhang, P Roe, Journal of Signal Processing Systems 92 (1), 23-36

29.Investigation of CNN-based models for Frog Calling Activity Detection. Jie Xie, Kai Hu, Harry Hines, Jinglan Zhang, Ya Guo, and Jinghu Yu. In 2020 IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing, Communications and Computing (ICSPCC), pp. 1-4. IEEE, 2020.

28.基于微助教的计算机图形学教学改革与创新, 谢捷, 课程教育研究

27.Maneuver-based driving behavior classification based on random forest, Jie Xie, M Zhu, IEEE Sensors Letters 3 (11), 1-4

26.Investigation of acoustic and visual features for acoustic scene classification, Jie Xie, M Zhu, Expert Systems with Applications 126, 20-29

25.Handcrafted features and late fusion with deep learning for bird sound classification, Jie Xie, M Zhu, Ecological Informatics 52, 74-81

24.Investigation of domain adaptation for acoustic frog species classification, Jie Xie, M Zhu, 2019 IEEE 21st International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP)

23.Investigation of different CNN-based models for improved bird sound classification. Jie Xie, Kai Hu, Mingying Zhu, Jinghu Yu, and Qibing Zhu. IEEE Access 7 (2019): 175353-175361.

22.Using machine learning techniques to classify cricket sound. Jie Xie, and Susan M. Bertram. In Eleventh International Conference on Signal Processing Systems, vol. 11384, pp. 141-148. SPIE, 2019.

21.A Dimension Reduction Method Using LSDA For Human Action Recognition. Lu, Tianran, Fengqin Yu, and Jie Xie. In 2019 8th International Congress on Advanced Applied Informatics (IIAI-AAI), pp. 1085-1086. IEEE, 2019.


20.Feature extraction based on bandpass filtering for frog call classification. Jie Xie, Michael Towsey, Liang Zhang, Jinglan Zhang, and Paul Roe. In International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, pp. 231-239. Springer, Cham, 2016.

19.Multiple-instance multiple-label learning for the classification of frog calls with acoustic event detection. Jie Xie, Michael Towsey, Liang Zhang, Kiyomi Yasumiba, Lin Schwarzkopf, Jinglan Zhang, and Paul Roe. In International Conference on Image and Signal Processing, pp. 222-230. Springer, Cham, 2016.

18.Driver distraction recognition based on smartphone sensor data, Jie Xie, AR Hilal, D Kulic, 2018 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC)

17.Multi-label classification of frog species via deep learning, Jie Xie, R Zeng, C Xu, J Zhang, P Roe, 2017 IEEE 13th International Conference on e-Science (e-Science), 187-193

16.Frog call classification: a survey, Jie Xie, M Towsey, J Zhang, P Roe, Artificial Intelligence Review 49 (3), 375-391

15.Acoustic classification of frog within-species and species-specific calls, Jie Xie, K Indraswari, L Schwarzkopf, M Towsey, J Zhang, P Roe, Applied Acoustics 131, 79-86

14.Long-term monitoring of cane-toads using acoustic sensors, Jie Xie, J Zhang, M Towsey, P Roe, 2017 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Information Processing in Sensor Networks (IPSN)

13.An intelligent system for estimating frog community calling activity and species richness, Jie Xie, M Towsey, M Zhu, J Zhang, P Roe, Ecological Indicators 82, 13-22

12.Acoustic classification of Australian frogs based on enhanced features and machine learning algorithms, Jie Xie, M Towsey, J Zhang, P Roe, Applied Acoustics 113, 193-201

11.Using multi-label classification for acoustic pattern detection and assisting bird species surveys, L Zhang, M Towsey, Jie Xie, J Zhang, P Roe, Applied Acoustics 110, 91-98

10.Adaptive frequency scaled wavelet packet decomposition for frog call classification, Jie Xie, M Towsey, J Zhang, P Roe, Ecological Informatics 32, 134-144

9.Application of image processing techniques for frog call classification, Jie Xie, M Towsey, J Zhang, X Dong, P Roe, 2015 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), 4190-4194

8.Detecting frog calling activity based on acoustic event detection and multi-label learning. Jie Xie, Towsey Michael, Jinglan Zhang, and Paul Roe. Procedia Computer Science 80 (2016): 627-638.

7.Acoustic features for multi-level classification of Australian frogs. Jie Xie, Jinglan Zhang, and Paul Roe. In 2015 10th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS), pp. 1-5. IEEE, 2015.

6.Generalised features for bird vocalisation retrieval in acoustic recordings. Dong, Xueyan, Jie Xie, Michael Towsey, Jinglan Zhang, and Paul Roe. In 2015 IEEE 17th International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2015.

5.Image processing and classification procedure for the analysis of australian frog vocalisations. Jie Xie, Michael Towsey, Jinglan Zhang, and Paul Roe. In Proceedings of the 2Nd International Workshop on Environmental Multimedia Retrieval, pp. 15-20. 2015.

4.Acoustic feature extraction using perceptual wavelet packet decomposition for frog call classification, Jie Xie, M Towsey, P Eichinski, J Zhang, P Roe, 2015 IEEE 11th International Conference on e-Science, 237-242

3.Detection of anuran calling activity in long field recordings for bio-acoustic monitoring. Jie Xie, Michael Towsey, Kiyomi Yasumiba, Jinglan Zhang, and Paul Roe. In 2015 IEEE Tenth International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2015.

2.Acoustic classification of australian anurans using syllable features. Jie Xie, Michael Towsey, Anthony Truskinger, Philip Eichinski, Jinglan Zhang, and Paul Roe. In 2015 IEEE tenth international conference on intelligent sensors, sensor networks and information processing (ISSNIP), pp. 1-6. IEEE, 2015.

1.密集人群建模中的阈值训练, 谢捷, 焦佳佳, 王丽娜, 张之江, 电子测量技术, 34-38