Jie Xie

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Welcome 👀 期待各位同学加盟课题组!欢迎感兴趣的同学与我联系!优秀者可以推荐去中科院、澳大利亚、巴西等合作课题组交流。课题组成果署名遵循国际规范,不抢学生一作!

📫 联系邮箱:xiej8734@gmail.com,联系电话:15906279084

Research Interests

🌱 主要兴趣为基于人工智能技术的信号处理基础理论及应用研究,研究内容包括:声音识别与分类、声信号降噪、声音事件检测;细粒度图像分类;环境因子预测;深度学习理论及应用

Recent Activities

  1. One paper Accepted at Ecological Indicators (中科院二区) 2023-12-25
  2. One paper Accepted at Multimedia Tools and Applications (CCF-C) and one paper Accepted at Information Processing & Management (CCF-B)
  3. Two papers Accepted at ACPR conference
  4. presentation at 第五届全国生物多样性监测会议 & 参加第十七届中国鸟类学大会
  5. One paper Accepted at Speech Communication (CCF-B)
  6. 组织第十届CSMT全国声音与音乐技术会议的生态声学分论坛,2023-06-02
  7. presentation at 第七届BEST生物多样性监测网络研讨会
  8. visit 海南师范大学和吊罗山野外研究基地
  9. join the Editorial Board for Birds, 2023-04-20
  10. join the Editorial Team for International Journal of Architectural Engineering Technology
  11. join as the Academic Editor for Plos One
  12. join as the TPC in several conferences including ACSE2023, ISHCI2023, ISIA2023
  13. presentation at 第14届全国生物多样性研讨会, 2022-12-12
  14. presentation at Sino BON-Mammal交叉科学前沿论坛第十九讲暨生物声学研究前沿论坛专题讲座, 2022-11-26

Academic Service


  1. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems
  2. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia
  3. Journal of the American Statistical Association
  4. Ecological Informatics
  5. Applied Acoustics
  6. Ecological Indicators
  7. Journal of Herpetology
  8. 其他若干期刊和会议


CIIS 2017, ICCCAS 2018, ICICN 2022, ACSE 2023, ISHCI2023